Money saving tips for growers

Money saving tips for growers

As soon as you start growing your own food you are on the way to saving lots of money, but here are some money saving tips for growers to help you grow efficiently and successfully. If anyone can think of any more money saving tips for growers, please lets us know in...
Parsnip Cake Recipe – Great simple recipe for Parsnip Cake

Parsnip Cake Recipe – Great simple recipe for Parsnip Cake

Here is a very simple, very tasty, nutritious, Parsnip Cake Recipe. Parsnips are harvested throughout autumn and winter and February is usually the last month of harvesting them before we can start sowing more in March. Here is a very simple and very tasty Parsnip...
Garden Syrup Recipe – Capture summer scents and flavours

Garden Syrup Recipe – Capture summer scents and flavours

Here is a very simple garden syrup recipe that you can adapt to your taste and use to make the most of whatever crops you have in abundance. This garden syrup recipe is hardly even a recipe. Just your favourite flowers/fruits/herbs with  sugar and water. But...